
What to do if someone starts to fake you | BrandShield

News | 20.10.2021

According to a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the share of counterfeit goods has reached 3.3% of total world trade.

However, research shows that many brand owners are unaware of the above statistics and are doing less than 10% effective in neutralizing online threats. Meanwhile, cyber fraudsters are working hard to trick customers into buying fake products, damaging brand reputation, diminishing revenues, and frustrating shoppers with low-quality products.

Effective protection measures consist of many factors, for example - detecting and eliminating violations of trademark rights on the Internet, prohibiting the sale of counterfeit goods, eliminating the threat of trademark abuse on a huge number of platforms involved in online commerce. To win the decisive battle against cyber fraudsters, companies must use proven methods.

Brand protection tactics that really work

A company's brand protection strategy begins with collecting all the necessary information and analyzing it to properly assess the threat and identify all relevant vulnerabilities. BrandShield's brand protection strategies are as follows: we break it down into tactics that address specific objectives. Next, an action plan is drawn up, which should be based on the following key performance indicators:

  • Detecting and removing sites that trade counterfeit produce: this metric measures the effectiveness of a brand protection program by tracking the percentage of websites offering fake products that have been successfully detected and removed. Thanks to technology using artificial intelligence (AI), we can find remove these websites early, demonstrating the effectiveness (x10) times superior to competitive solutions.
  • Counterfeit goods on marketplaces: not all counterfeit sellers operate through their own websites and there are other channels they can use such as marketplaces and social media. KPI measures the number of such threats that have been detected and removed, with the goal of reaching at least 95% effectivity over time.
  • Decrease in new offers with counterfeit products: when scanning well-known marketplaces like Amazon, we ideally want to see a clear decrease in the number of counterfeit products. This may indicate that it has become more difficult for fraudsters to accommodate trade offers for the sale of counterfeit products protected by BrandShield and they will turn their attention to other brands that do not pay enough attention to their protection.
  • Reaction speed: while some brand protection tactics take time to implement, the time it takes to eliminate brand threats should be as short as possible. The result is considered sufficient when it is directly related to the company's bottom line and return on investment.
  • Gray market: refers to products that are manufactured with the knowledge and consent of the brand, but are then sold by unauthorized dealers outside of approved markets. The import and sale of such goods are not authorized and are detrimental to the dealer network due to price dumping and lack of intelligible service.
  • Caring of dealers: in addition to their own and external channels, brands must monitor compliance with third-party requirements so that their business partners are aware of the risks and respond to cases of unauthorized sales and violations. Dealers of the brand will know that the company is protecting its contracts and reputation in the region and is fighting against gray suppliers.

Order a 30-minute consultation right now and learn how to protect yourself from counterfeiting.

Strong brand protection yields results

There are many benefits to taking a robust approach to brand protection. Identifying and eliminating the risks of “being tampered with” allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Increasing Direct Website Traffic: traffic will grow without additional marketing injections because scammers are a form of competition and eliminating them will reduce the likelihood that potential buyers looking for your products will buy a counterfeit from a competitor.
  • Increase in income: again, eliminating competing cyber fraudsters will direct more customers to your channels, increasing your revenue.
  • Fewer customer complaints: consumers who mistakenly purchased a second-rate counterfeit product often leave complaints without realizing that they did not buy a genuine product but blame the original company.
  • Increasing customer confidence: customers will be able to rely on search results, ads, and websites because you have worked hard to create a safer online experience for them. They will also receive high-quality products that can increase satisfaction and positive online reviews.

«You must invest in security. The question is not whether you want to do it or consider it. You must!»
These words are correct, and you can invest by following the tactics described above. Make sure your brand protection solution is continually evolving to stay ahead of threats at every stage, from detection to remediation, and Brand Protection is that solution.

Robin Schouten, security expert ABN AMRO Bank NV

A strategic, proactive, holistic approach to brand protection is the only combination that can truly keep you and your customers safe. Choose a technology that has it all and contact the experts of Softprom, an authorized dealer BrandShield in your area, to order a demo and learn more.

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