
Webinar: The Explosion of Cyber Attacks in 2020...

Event | 10.03.2021 - 10.03.2021

  • Date
    10.03.2021 - 10.03.2021

...and how to prevent them in 2021

We invite you on March 10th at 10:00 (CET/Vienna/Berlin) to join our Webinar “The Explosion of Cyber Attacks in 2020, and How to Prevent Them in 2021”.

What are we going to talk about?

Cyber attacks were even more prevalent than usual in 2020 due to the rise in remote employees – but there's a lot we can learn from the attacks that happened and what we can do to prevent them going into 2021.

Safe-T Webinar Cyberattacks

Cyber Attacks on the rise

From the infamous SolarWinds chain attack to the EasyJet data breach, Eitan Bremler, Co-Founder & VP corporate Development at Safe-T, dives into a few of the big hacks that took place, how they happened, and how they could have been prevented.

Please register until March 10th, 2021! We're looking forward to your answer! This Webinar is a cooperation with Safe-T - Zero Trust, The right way.