Claroty Enterprise Management Console

Claroty Enterprise Management Console

Enterprise Management Console is the single pane of glass which aggregates and consolidatesall the data Claroty products generate.

Claroty Enterprise Management Console - is a centralized management interface that aggregates the data from Claroty products from multiple sites, and displays a unified view of their assets, activities, alerts and access control. The product is ideal for SOC deployments as provides the security team with immediate insights into the industrial network’s security posture. The Enterprise Management Console can send alert data to various SIEM and log management products enabling security teams to correlate OT and IT issues and gain real-time situational awareness to active and potential threats.

Continuous Threat Detection:

In a multisite installation (either physically remote sites or isolated production islands) each Continuous Threat Detection server sends its processed data to the Enterprise Management Console, providing the operator with consolidated cross-site asset, alert and activity data, which can be filtered and analyzed to proactively search for operational and security trends.

Secure Remote Access:

The Enterprise Management Console dashboard shows all active, pending and scheduled sessions. The console shows remote access activity on the activity bar whenever a Secure Remote Access connection is initiated, enabling the operator to validate the session’s integrity and terminate it if there is discrepancy between the requested session purpose and its actual activity.