
25/09 Webinar. Enterprise Data and AWS AI Services. Examples of use

Event | 25.09.2024 - 25.09.2024

  • Date
    25.09.2024 - 25.09.2024
  • Time
    11:00-12:00 (GMT+5)
  • Place
  • Participation

AWS AI Services for working with enterprise data

Let's talk about the capabilities of Amazon Web Services (AWS) AI to manage and structure enterprise data. Powerful analytics and predictive tools that accelerate strategic decisions to grow your business and understand your customers' needs.

Date: September 25, 2024 | Time: 11:00 (GMT+5) | Format: online.

Webinar language: Russian

Webinar registration

The webinar will cover the following issues:

  • Generative AI perspectives for business
  • Latest AWS services based on Generative AI 
  • Key aspects of enterprise data and AI interaction
  • Examples of analyzing enterprise data using AWS services.

Webinar registration

Key aspects of enterprise data and AI interoperability in AWS services:

  • Big Data Analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Business Process Optimization and Business Process Optimization
  • Customer Experience Personalization
  • Cybersecurity

Companies are using AWS Generative AI for such tasks:

Big data analysis

Big data processing: AI is able to process the huge amounts of data that accumulate in corporate systems and extract useful information from them.

Identifying patterns: Using machine learning algorithms, AI can find hidden patterns and trends that may go undetected by traditional analysis.


Market Forecasting: AI can analyze historical data and market trends to create predictions about market developments, product demand, or changes in consumer behavior.

Financial Forecasting: Using AI to analyze financial data allows you to predict a company's possible financial results, identify risks and investment opportunities.

Business process optimization

Inventory management: AI can analyze inventory, sales, and demand data to optimize inventory management, reduce costs, and prevent product shortages or surpluses.

Logistics and supply chain: AI data analysis can optimize delivery routes, warehouse inventory management, and overall supply chain efficiency.

Personalizing customer experience

Customer behavior analysis: AI can collect and analyze customer behavior data to create personalized offers, recommendations, and marketing campaigns.

Customer Feedback Processing: Using Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI can analyze text-based customer feedback, identify key issues, and assess customer satisfaction.


Threat detection: AI can analyze network data and other digital signals to identify anomalies and potential threats, helping to prevent cyberattacks.

Incident response automation: AI can automatically respond to specific types of cyber threats, reducing response times and increasing a company's defenses.

Reduced costs

Automation of routine tasks: AI can perform routine tasks such as document processing or data entry, reducing manual labor costs and improving accuracy.

Resource optimization: Data analysis can help optimize the use of resources, such as energy or materials, which also reduces costs.

Decision-making support

Recommender systems: AI can provide managers with recommendations based on data analysis, helping them make more informed decisions.

Data visualization: AI can automatically create interactive reports and visualizations to help better understand complex data and simplify decision-making.

Webinar registration

Softprom — Advanced Consulting Partner in the Amazon Web Services network. Has MAP (Migration Acceleration Program) status of AWS partner, performs projects on infrastructure migration to the cloud for Enterprise-level companies.