
[Webinar recording] Brand Protection on the Internet: Effective Solutions from BrandShield

Reportage | 14.06.2024

In today's world, where the digital space becomes an integral part of our lives, protecting your brand is of utmost importance.

We discussed how the BrandShield platform helps companies reliably protect their brands in the digital space and maintain customer security and trust.


  • You will learn about advanced methods for monitoring and eliminating online threats such as fake accounts, phishing, and intellectual property infringement.

  • We will demonstrate how BrandShield provides reliable brand protection, helps detect and neutralize threats, and supports your reputation and security in the digital space.

Request for consultation

BrandShield is a leading cybersecurity company founded in Israel by cybersecurity experts that protect the world’s largest brands and consumers from phishing attacks, online fraud, and other online threats posed by dangerous cybercriminals. Through its AI/ML platform, BrandShield identifies, tracks, and eliminates online threats for global brands and organizations, including Bristol Myers Squibb, Levi’s, NewBalance, Swisscom, and the Pharmaceutical Security Institute.