
Unsubscribe from emails on Gmail more easily

News | 19.01.2024

Managing unwanted emails is a source of frustration for many users. That’s why Google announced new guidelines for bulk senders a few months ago to help users stay safe. Now, Google introducing new ways to make it even easier to unsubscribe from unwanted emails in Gmail on web and mobile by:

  • Adding the unsubscribe button to the hover actions in the threadlist on the web. When the unsubscribe button is clicked, Gmail sends an HTTP request or an email to the sender to remove your email address from their mailing list.
  • Moving the unsubscribe button from the three-dot menu to appear more prominently in your email on your Android and iOS devices.
new Unsubscribe from emails on Gmail on your Android and iOS devices
new on Gmail changing the text of the buttons to make it clearer for users to choose between unsubscribing or reporting a message as spam

Additionally, it is common for people to receive unwanted messages, despite initially signing up to receive them from brands or organizations. These messages often originate from legitimate senders, and marking them as spam can negatively impact the sender's email reputation and can potentially affect the deliverability of future emails. For this reason, Google changed the text of the buttons to make it clearer for users to choose between unsubscribing or reporting a message as spam.

These features are now available to all Google Workspace customers on web and iOS devices and are rolling out now on Android devices at an extended pace.