
Automox Introduces Best-in-Class Reporting and Analytics

News | 21.03.2025

Softprom is pleased to announce that Automox is launching powerful new analytics capabilities to help your organization demonstrate IT value. Automox Analytics introduces best-in-class reporting and analytics delivered through ThoughtSpot, launching in late March.

Create simple, actionable insights across zones and any operating system managed with Automox to measure the outcomes and value IT delivers to your leadership team. Automox Analytics introduces best-in-class reporting and analytics delivered through Thoughtspot. Launching in late March, Automox Analytics delivers plug-and-play reports that help IT administrators and leaders assess their environments and track patching progress and time saved through automation.

Prebuilt, simple-to-use reports are automatically delivered to your inbox, identifying quick wins to improve your security posture with Automox – from finding stale, unpatched devices to viewing the top ten missing patches across your organization and understanding global third-party application inventory in seconds. As your cyber risk posture and IT efficiency improve with Automox, Analytics tracks your progress to prove your department’s value to the business by measuring patches applied and CVEs remediated over time.

Automox Analytics will be free for all customers on all tiers. Automate Essentials, Enterprise, Standard, and Pro tiers can create unlimited custom reports in addition to the prebuilt templates.

Discover More Ways To Automate With the All-New Worklet™ Catalog

Softprom is excited to share that Automox has wholly revamped its Worklet Catalog, making it easier to discover automation possibilities across Windows, macOS, and Linux environments from the plug-and-play catalogue of 360+ automation possibilities.

Automox has completely overhauled the user experience with a fresh, intuitive interface, incorporating an all-new design system and readable colour scheme.

Finding the right Worklets is faster and more efficient, thanks to powerful new filtering capabilities. You can now quickly sort by the operating system (Linux, macOS, Windows), type of device automation (Workstation, Server), and a wide range of automation categories like Security, Data Collection & Auditing, Peripherals, Personalization, and Software Lifecycle. Stay in the loop on the latest and greatest in time-saving automation from Automox with the "What's New" section, highlighting recently added and updated Worklets.

Start discovering new ways to realize the 362% three-year ROI our customers see with the enhanced Worklet Catalog. You will save valuable time searching for specific Worklets and uncover new ways to save time and fix fast across your IT environment.

Activity Log Grouping and Filtering

The activity log tracks all automated and manual actions taken over a given period on the devices in your organization. It is a record of what’s happened in your environment over time and can be viewed directly in Automox or exported as a .csv file. Automox has added all-new filtering capabilities to narrow down results by Device Group to help you refine and view exactly what you’re looking for—and nothing more.

Contact your Softprom representative today to learn more about these exciting new Automox features and how they can transform your IT management experience!