
Amazon WorkSpaces: secure, reliable access to persistent desktops

News | 07.12.2023

Amazon Web Services training videos (on Russion)

Series: Virtual Desktops in the Cloud (VDI).

Episode: “Amazon WorkSpaces: Secure, reliable, and scalable access to persistent desktops from anywhere,” duration 17 minutes.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon WorkSpaces Benefits

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Amazon Linux 2 LTS
  • Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 LTS
  • Windows 10*

*When using your own licenses - Windows 11 Enterprise

How to connect:

  • Via free client:
    • Windows and Mac computers
    • iPad tablets
    • Android tablets
    • Android compatible devices with Chrome OS
  • Via Chrome and Firefox browsers

Payment options:

  • Monthly
  • Hourly

You can select the optimal region for deployment using this link:

Cloud Softprom Academy Video Library

Free video library Softprom Cloud Академия. 12 series, about 60 demo videos. Subscribe to the mailing list to be the first to receive the latest episodes.

Softprom — Advanced Consulting Partner on the Amazon Web Services network. Has MAP (Migration Acceleration Program) status as an AWS partner and carries out infrastructure migration projects to the cloud for Enterprise level companies.