
About our threat deception technology | Softprom Cybersecurity Week

News | 18.07.2022

Today, we want to present to you our threat deception technology — TrapX DeceptionGrid platform. The only deception solution in the industry capable to detect compromised remote users.

In just minutes, patented emulation technology launches hundreds of authentic traps that engage attackers and malware and generate high-fidelity alerts for rapid response. 

Unlike anything else on the market, our lightweight, touch-less technology offers non-disruptive support for a broad array of systems and devices, including IT, OT, IoT, SCADA, ICS, and SWIFT, and delivers immediate time-to-value. And TrapX agentless architecture deploys quickly without impacting production environments.

Full details about our solution you can read here, or listen here. We’re open to get a price, a trial version or just a consultation.

Softprom is an official distributor of TrapX. We provide a full cycle of support at all stages of the IT projects: presale, pilot, implementation, training, and technical support.

Threat deception technology | Softprom