
[Speech recording] Practices for building cloud infrastructure in Amazon Web Services

Reportage | 08.03.2024

Building a hybrid IT infrastructure with Amazon Web Services

Recording of the speech at the International Forum BIT&BIS-2024 Almaty (02/29/2024).

Softprom presented CIO, CISO cloud services Amazon Web Services for building a hybrid IT infrastructure.

Presentation topic: Practices for building an effective cloud infrastructure in AWS.

Language: Russian

Benefits of AWS services: Flexibility, Scalability, Speed of innovation, Security, Business sustainability, Cost optimization.

AWS Outposts is a special offer:

  • Placing data within the country
  • Local data processing
  • Ultra-low latency computing
  • Migration and modernization

The presentation contains examples of calculating the cost of renting services and how to optimize infrastructure costs.

Full recording of the conference broadcast BIT&BIS-2024 Almaty (29.02.2024).

Softprom — Advance Consulting Partner AWS with competencies AWS Retail Competency та AWS Migration Competency.