
10/09 [Workshop] Securing Your Data: How Senhasegura PAM and Domum keep you protected

Event | 10.09.2024 - 10.09.2024

  • Date
    10.09.2024 - 10.09.2024
  • Time
    10:00 UTC+3
  • Participation

Join Us on September 10 for a Workshop:«Security Under Control: How Senhasegura PAM and Domum Protect Your Data.». Senhasegura PAM and Domum are solutions that help organizations protect critical data and control access, especially in the face of constantly evolving cyber threats.

Senhasegura PAM and Domum offer organizations powerful tools to protect sensitive information and control access, which is crucial in today’s rapidly changing cybersecurity landscape. These solutions ensure robust security and minimize risks, enabling companies to effectively counter modern cybersecurity challenges.

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Issues to be discussed in the Workshop:

  • The growing importance of data protection and access control.
  • Senhasegura PAM: Managing privileged accounts and monitoring activity.
  • Domum: Secure remote access and data encryption.
  • The critical role of Senhasegura PAM and Domum in ensuring security.
  • Case studies, practical benefits, a comprehensive summary, and Q&A session.


Alexander Novitsky — Business Development Manager, Softprom (Softprom).

Sergey Bartko — Deputy Head of Technical Department, Softprom. (Softprom).

*The workshop will be held in Russian.

Using Senhasegura PAM and Domum ensures that critical data is securely protected and access is strictly controlled, significantly reducing the risks of cyber threats and data breaches.